I have a cat. His name is Igor Stravinsky (with a few extra surnames added on for good measure). We call him Iggy for short. He doesn’t really look like much of an Igor. He does have the exact same mustache as the real guy though. Not even kidding.
I got him about 5 ½ years ago. He’s getting so old... My roommate at the time wanted to get me a kitten for my birthday and she looked everywhere to get me one. She would call a pet store and hear that they had several very cute kitties, but when she would arrive, they would be already sold out. So we were on the hunt.One day, I was out with some of my girlfriends at a wedding. It was a beautiful June day, the sun was shining and we were riding in a convertible with the top down. As we were on our way back from the wedding, we saw the sign. The one that is impossible to pass by without stopping. At least for me.
So we didn’t. We went into the little garage and looked at the sweet kitties in the little cardboard box. The tiny, orange one caught my eye. And I caught his. They gave us a box and a blanket to wrap him in and he was mine.At the time, my boyfriend was in a band with a bunch of his friends and they were in California on a tour for a couple weeks that summer. They also lived together and I was watching the house while they were gone. So kitten and I had free run of the boys’ place while we bonded. As my husband (boyfriend in the story) is a musician and the kitty would be his as well (eventually) and I know he loves kitties, I asked him who his favorite musician was. He didn’t have to think very hard before coming up with Igor Stravinsky. Thus, Iggy was named.
Stay tuned for part two when Iggy attempts suicide. It's a tragic story.
I quite like the name. Much better than Clay Aiken or Usher or something like that. Ha ha ha..
he really does have the same moustache though! funny
Hmmm...a cat named Usher. That would be pretty funny...But definitely not Aiken. No...I already have a friend who looks just like him. I think he might be offended if I named a cat after him. Or he could be relieved that the pressure was off him. Who knows....
He's very cute
HAAA!!! I'm sure it might be good competition for Dan... :)
Ahh...Iggy. So stratavarious I must say...and he is highly aware of it :)
Ok Jean, I'm sorry, but the only thing that stradavarius means is "violin." So you might need to try another word...
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