About Me

I am Anne.
I'm a 30-something wife, friend, mother and sister. I don't deserve my amazing husband who is the single most stellar rock star. We have two amazing children, a sweet daughter--Randall Gabrielle and a handsome son--Emmett Mitchell. Of course, all parents thing that their children are amazing, don't they? 

I live, work and grow my garden in Western Michigan. For the past six years, I have been working a the children's music director for a local church and I love to sing, dance and teach the kids how to worship God through music. What is better than praising God while getting a workout each week? Sewing is both my hobby and a handy way to give green gifts to my friends. I have been trying to cook more healthfully for myself and my family, not an altogether easy task most of the time. 
Read this: 102 Things About Anne by Anne
Or Read this: 101 Things About Anne by Andy