Fortunately for him, he only had two. So unfair. But he did very well and even informed me that he thought the procedure was very interesting. In fact, he was even glad he had been awake for it. Weirdo.
I packed him up on the couch, drugged him well and left him to sleep while I came to work. Hopefully this will be a good break for him for a few days as he has been working crazy all-night hours to get an album finished. Which is amazing by the way. You all will need to pick one up.
My last Monday at work. Whew.
what type of music is his album?
Ooo... I had two wisdom teeth removed about 3 or 4 years ago. I thought it was kinda fun! They knocked me out cold though and then gave me lots of fun drugs afterward. I really don't remember much at all from that day. But through the next few days I did heal very quickly with no bleeding or swelling. So I am looking forward to someday having the other two removed! Woohoo! lol
Kids music. Though this one is more mature than most. it's for a kids'
project anyway. But I think the parents will appreciate it a bit more.
Shawn---I had a horrid experience. And so far he hasn't been too good. Upset belly...assumedly from the drugs? Ah well, he's been sleeping plenty so tha should help!
hmm- sorry both of you had bad experiences with it. I remember Becky Moore had it really bad some time ago also. Actually had to go to the hospital it was so bad! It seems to vary pretty widely on something like that.
I know...it's weird. But I think Andy is going to heal much faster than I did. I wonder how much is the patient and how much is the doctor? Or is it all the patient? Who knows...
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