Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Not Just Another Apron

It was also my first sale! Granted, my mother-in-law bought it as a gift for someone, but that still counts, right?


Jean said...

You got paid for it. That counts as a sale. Very cute too! Tell the strapper-inner-outer that he did a marvelous job. :)

Frannie Farmer said...

absolutely! How cool is that. I love it!

Cheeky said...

Yay Anne! How much are you selling these works of art for? I remember shopping for an apron and not being able to find anything decent under $20--much less something custom AND lined! Nice job--hope the sales keep pouring in!

Carbon said...

What the heck! I left comments on both this post and the previous post on pictures and they arent' there anymore! blogger ate them! That is Annoying!