Saturday, February 03, 2007

What Do You Do When You're Snowed In?


cvanderjagt said...

i'm snowed out!!!

working in chicago today (no snow here - but bitterly cold) -- just hoping they can clear the roads in MI by the time I leave this evening so I can get home!


anne said...

Oh no! I know a few spots on 131 are closed, but I don't know the status of 94/96...

Good luck!!

Jean said...

light a candle, finish a book and drink hot cocoa while being thankful I don't have to go out in it (but probably should to shovel a path from the road to the house so Ed can get to the garage, but is it any use with the wind howling out there?).

Very adequate picture too...

Frannie Farmer said...

ummm, me - yea, I whine. loudly.
and then I get the cocoa, and magazines and Praise God that I do not have to drive if I don't wanna.
Hang in there ...

Hillary said...

You chat with me! :-)

Holy smokes, you weren't kidding that it was snowing like crazy! Not that I didn't believe you, just the visual adds so much! Wowzers!

anne said...

Hot beverages....I might go start a pot of coffee right now... : )

Me, I'm sewing. Music playing. Creative juices flowing. With the curtains open watching the blizzard blow by.

Amazed that it can snow this much. Thankful also that I do not have to leave my house today.

Tomorrow will be another story altogether.

anne said...

No Hills, I don't kid about mounds of snow. :)

It was great to chat with you today! :) I see you have updated a TON of your posts! You crazy girl, you!

Michelle B said...

Put the little one to bed, curl up with the dog, surf the web and watch Pride and Prejudice. Oh happy evening. Hopefully the snow will let up and allow my hubby to come home tomorrow!

anne said...

I forgot he was gone this weekend! :) I hope you have had a relaxing day...we are staying home tomorrow too! A looong weekend, it's like a vacation!

Hillary said...

Oh, yeah, hehe, I was thinking of an apology to the folks who read my blog via feed reader! Adding all the labels I did meant that every post I added had to be republished. Yikes.

Anonymous said...

I am staying in for the rest of the night..fireplace, hot cocoa and pajamas. I am not giving tomorrow morning a second thought...freezing bus stop. Blah!

Talena said...

We got an abominable amount of snow this week. I stayed indoors, read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, let my kids watch a stupid amount of movies, drank hot chocolate, scrapbooked, played with my kids, and lamented the fact that we just ran out of firewood and the guy hadn't come and stocked us up again yet!

Warm and cozy hugs to you!