Some of you have already read this book. For those of you who haven't, drop whatever you are doing at this moment, get to your closest bookstore and BUY it.
Not only was it thoroughly entertaining, it kept my mind spinning. I was invested in this character, this story, this weaving of words. When I closed the final page, I was bothered. Bothered in a good way. Bothered in a way that has me still thinking about it several days later.
A quote from the LA Times book review says it is, "A story to make you believe in the soul-sustaining power of fiction." I can't say anything better than that.
Since I don't know where my reading is going to take me from here, I give it Four Stars. Very solid, very worthwhile. A book to reread several times.
thanks for adding to my already HUGE list of books to read :O)
I do try...
hmmmm.....sounds interesting...
I've got a friend who hangs his head in shame at me on a regular basis for not having read this book. I've read the back cover and was slightly interested, but not enough to buy it ... I sincerely thought it was a boy book, with little appeal to us girls! I guess I should give it another shot! :)
This is one of my all-time favorite books. There was talk of a movie - first M Night Shyamalan, then Alfonso Cuaron, now Jean-Pierre Jeunet - but it's "scheduled" for a 2009 release, so no telling when or if it'll happen.
I second the rave reviews. I read it a while ago and had no one to discuss it with -- which was SO aggravating because there's so much there to discuss! those who read it should perhaps get together and have a discussion group!
Yay! I told you it was amazing!
I always feel totally flattered when I promote a book that has impacted me to someone else in such a way that it inspires them to immediately acquire and read it too. I'm glad you finally took all of our suggestions to heart and made the time to experience an amazingly substantial work of metaphoreligious (I think I just made up a new word!) fiction. Now just a few more of you need to finish reading, or re-read in preparation for the next book club bonfire where we will finally get to dissect and discuss LoP!
Brooke--you must have read this before you met me. You are officially invited over to discuss this with Dan and myself over a delicious whole-foods dinner that I will attempt to prepare for YOU!
I'm not really sure who recommended this book to me, but I sure am glad I found it!
Anne, you silly, I recommended this book to you a long time ago. :) I do feel flattered!! Hehe!!
You found the perfect word to describe my reaction to this book... bothered. Wasn't it an amazing ending? The worst thing about it was that after I finished reading it, there was no one I could talk to about it (didn't you feel like you needed to talk to someone about it afterwards?) because no one had read it yet and I didn't want to spoil it for them. Definitely a great read.
Kristina, I am trying to wait patiently for my hubby to read it so we can talk about it!! But I did find a friend or two who were around right after I finished and I could get it all out!
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