I have one pair of comfortable pants and a couple skirts, but who really wants to shave their legs every day? Surely not me.
However, in a couple days I have a two very exciting shipments coming from Old Navy & Gap Maternity! Hooray! I can't even tell you how much I love online clearances. The clothes are so cheap! Grandmothers-to-be, you are welcome to buy me stuff from there. Just so you know.
I have still been trying to wear my 'normal' shirts just a few more times, but slowly they are all getting packed away in totes for storage. Sigh. I suppose around April it will be like Christmas!
I need some input here ladies. Men, all two of you can tune out. Course, you probably tuned out around the leg-shaving. It just doesn't relate to your life.
I really want to have a gracious attitude about the belly rubbing. But it's not really my favorite thing. I thought it might be cute and I wouldn't mind, but I think I do. I'm not one who likes to be made much of, at least not to my face. I like to be outgoing and chatty and social, but I don't like to necessarily always have attention drawn to me. Does that make any sense? You can talk about how great I am behind my back, but guess I am really bad at compliments. It just seems so weird for people to be reaching out and touching my tummy every time they see me!
I tried the nonverbal approach this morning: crossing my arms over my chest in a quiet "stay away" manner, but that didn't help at all. Someone suggested I rub the other person's belly and see how they like it, but I feel like that would be really rude. How do I have a good response to this? Or do I just suck it up and get used to it? I suppose that's the only real answer, isn't it?
The funny thing is, I'm a pretty huggy person. At least I used to be. What happened to me? Why don't I like hugs any more?
Ahhh yes, the belly rub. I really didn't care for people touching my stomach either but didn't want to be rude either. I would just watch the person and, as they went to reach out for the belly, I would kind of turn to the side, hoping they would get the point. However, no matter what, old ladies and men see a pregnant belly as an open invitation. But you are super cute with your little pregnant belly!
I wasn't a fan of having the belly rubbed either and for some reason, it didn't happen. It still just confuses me as to why everyone thinks pregnant belly's are open property. There must be a sign hanging over pregnant mom's that says, "PLEASE COME RUB MY BELLY!" and oddly enough, I still have yet to see it.
I chalk all changed up to hormones going crazy in there.
And yes...I do agree that you are super cute. It's been exciting watching you grow!
Super cute is right! :)
SO CUTE! Don't worry, I won't rub your belly when I see you (soon!). I'll email ya tomorrow with some details/questions
You could carry a purse with a long strap and when a hand begins to reach toward you, bash them...er, I mean, keep it in front of you so it's "in the way" of a belly rub if you feel one coming close. Perhaps if they look like they're stealing a wallet they'll think twice (or you could say, loudly, "Don't steal my purse!!" Just kidding!). I've only every had a few people do that, thank goodnes.
I hit Old Navy's clearance at the mall this weekend, but I may just have to head to the website now...
Great suggestions, guys! :) It's just good to hear that some of you commiserate with me and I'm not the only one!
Cjoy, those clearances are the BEST! I'm getting my boxes in the mail today and tomorrow!! WOO!!
Congrats and such! I recently came across a blip in Parents magazine that offered iron on t-shirt sayings and pics. One set is a "feel here" hands imprint, the other is a giant stop sign with caption "PLEASE DONT TOUCH my tummy". I always felt really awkward early on in my pregnancies about people rubbing my belly, especially guys, but near the end, it was neat to have others feel a baby kick or two. Kinda weirds em out :) Check out Goodyblog.com if you're interested.
Mrs E, I love the idea of that shirt...I think I might have to get one! :)
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