Thursday, January 29, 2009

Things I Love Thursday - If it Makes Baby Happy, It Makes Mama Happy

My baby girl has been Miss Grouchy Pants for the last week or so. Pink eye on top of a regular cold makes any baby miserable. She hasn't been eating well and has been super clingy all day long. The upside is that she gives amazing hugs.

While I don't condone plopping my kid down in front of the tv for an extended period of time, there is one kids' show that she loves to watch whether it be online videos or recorded on the dvr. About once a day, we sit and watch a couple videos and she rocks back and forth to the music. I will warn you that these songs get STUCK in your head. They are so simple it's almost ridiculous. Specifically for preschoolers, kids are encouraged to dance along with the songs and learn to brush their teeth, not eat food off the ground and that it's ok to like bugs.

As much as it is a silly show, it is not horrible to watch. They have real musicians and actors guest spot and there good little lessons to be learned for tiny tots. Plus, the music is actually really good much of the time. It is not all baby pop, but a good amount of house music or tunes that are more indie pop.

At any rate, I'm a fan of Yo Gabba Gabba and my baby girl is too. It's the only show she'll watch to the end. In fact, today she got so cozy watching an episode, she fell asleep right on my lap. We haven't had a good snuggle nap in months and it was fabulous. Makes mama happy.

Napping from Anne on Vimeo. A photo would perhaps have been more appropriate here, but there wasn't a camera handy and the flash likely would have woken up the babe. So you get to watch me nap. Does it inspire you? I hope so. Go take thee a nap!

To see what everyone else is loving today, check out The Diaper Diaries.

Monday, January 26, 2009

It Only Takes 5 Minutes

My first post is live at a great green blog! Simple, easy things you can do to reduce, reuse & recycle. This week I wrote about something that has been heavily impacting all of us recently. Cold. Feel free to check it out and give me a little bloggy love.

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's 3 PM and I'm Just Now Drinking My Coffee

Some days just go like that, don't they? My list for today is long and varied. Laundry, dishes, cleaning, contacting volunteers, organizing, sewing and then a party this evening. None of that has happened yet due to a clingy baby with a yucky cold.

So far I've gotten a shower, tidied one room and gotten one small thing sewed. Lately, I've been making her a bunch of these bibs. Repurposing an old white towel with some cute trim around the edge makes the perfect bibs for this little mess maker.

Three have been completed so far and they are the easiest thing ever. I made two with a cute, thick ribbon and one with wide bias tape I had. Hammer on some snaps and she is good to go.

Hopefully, I will get the rest of my list accomplished after we get home from the party and she is down for the night. Long lists either motivate me or tire me out. Today, I'm tired.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Here at the crazy household, there has been something of a war going on. Every day around 1 and 6 there is calm happiness before an angry, messy storm. It can strike at any moment, brought on by practically anything.

I tend to be a generally patient person, not getting flustered easily or angered quickly. However, for some reason, the war just puts me on edge.

It's a stage they have to go through, I know that. The testing. "Will Mom say, 'no' when I throw my grapes this time?" She has to learn how to do it herself and it's going to get messy, I'm aware.

In the meanwhile, as we pass through this lovely bit of time, I was hoping to get some suggestions from those of you who are fabulous veteran moms or dads.

What were your kids' favorite foods? I think I need to have a longer list of options to draw from. What did you find helped get them to eat what you put in front of them. Ideally, how did you get them to eat a good, balanced diet? I can't fathom feeding her mac & cheese at every meal, though I know every kid would prefer that.

Basically, what were your baby feeding successes? What other trouble spots should I be looking for coming up?

Thanks in advance for the great advice! Hopefully, you are all staying warm on this very cold day. If you live in the south, please don't rub it in.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's All Theoretical

When it's registering as zero outside does that mean there is no weather? And if there is no weather, wouldn't that mean that the weather can be anything I want it to be? And if it is whatever I want it to be can it be oh, say, 75?

Until my theory proves itself to be true, I'll just stay here under my blankets with my sixteen layers on, snuggling with the cat and drinking lots of hot beverages. Hubby can fend for himself.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pink Party

Here I am at my first birthday party! I got all dressed up in my party dress and party pants. Do you see them? They have presents on them, so that's why they're party pants. Plus, they're pink and match my party. It was pink too. Balloons and streamers and plates--all pink. I am a girl, after all.

They made me wear this silly pointy hat, which I found to be ridiculous, but I put up with it to make everyone else happy, cuz I'm a nice baby like that.

Mama thought she would be silly and wear one too. Who even came up with this pointy hat idea?

I may have gotten a little overwhelmed by all the people. It was kind of crazy at my house, I'll tell ya. But I totally handled it like a trooper, sharing all my toys and everything.

Here you can see me and 7 of my little friends. There were 5 more running around somewhere. Like I said, it was a little bit crazy some of the time, but tons of fun.

Mama made piles of cupcakes along with a huge pan of mac & cheese and several yummy meatloaves for everyone. All my favorites.

Not to mention the snacks and fruits and punch. I could probably eat grapes all day long.

Then! They let ME have a cupcake. Though I thought I had been told not to play with fire, here they are coming at me with a lit candle. Myself not knowing how to blow it out, they did it for me. I'm hoping to learn that skill for next year.

I wasn't quite sure what the big deal was all about so I figured it would be safest to poke delicately.

Mmm...I sure to like sprinkles.

Look! I'm Sprinkle-Face!

Ok, fine, you want me to shove it in my mouth, I will. All this fuss about me making a mess.

What's next? Presents? I like presents.

Well, folks, that's it for another year. Of course, I still have a party with my Grandparents this weekend. I'll be ready with my silly hat on again.

Oh, and Mama says it's a 'delurking' day and that you all have to leave a comment.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Has it Been So Long?

Since it's fun for me to look at the comparison shots here is my little babes year's worth of monthly pictures.

Just a few hours old and still so teeny tiny.

Her little bitty jeans hitched up to her armpits all Urkel-like.

We prop her up and quickly take the shot before she plops over on her face.

So proud of herself in her little swimmy suit just in from the kiddie pool.

She still loves her Raggedy dolly. Or any dolly with yarn hair. She adores her new baby doll. Maybe because she can relate to how the doll has no hair.

Oh, the cute baby meltdowns. Nowadays, if we say, "No!" or in some cases, even suggest a disapproving stare, she will burst into huge crocodile tears. If she would just stop throwing her food on the floor we wouldn't have this problem.

And here it is. The 12 month picture. I'm lucky that this picture turned out. Some days baby girl is a squiggly little monkey who won't sit still long enough for a couch photo shoot.

Here's to another fabulous year my sweet punkin!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


I love finding great little short films and this one that I watched the other day was definitely worth a look. Grab your favorite beverage and a friend and take a few minutes to watch this mini. You'll be glad you did!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

I've got oodles of baby pictures to edit and long lists of things to do around the house, but I have been getting excessive amounts of guilt passed upon me that I haven't blogged in so long. Can you believe someone would guilt trip me like that? Someone I love so dearly? Geez, honey, just go get your own darn blog, would you?

Baby girl is much healthier. She is eating normally and she is her happy little self again. PLUS, she is almost sleeping through the night again. This beautiful little child started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks old has not gifted us with many solid hours in months. We are so very thankful she is cooperating again! I'm sure the sickness and all the teething did not help her sleeping situation so my fingers are crossed that it is up hill from here on out. (someone tell me it will be!)

Today we'll be taking down the Christmas decor. After that I just need to clean. Someone has a first birthday party coming up and this place is a disaster! What is it about the holiday season that has such a penchant for messiness? Or maybe it's just my house, who knows.

I'm ready for this new year. I'm trying not to resolve a million things, but just one or two. I always put such unrealistic goals on myself and then find frustration at the end. One however, is making better use of my nap times. That's to say that sometimes I need to be taking a nap and sometimes I need to do more than just putter on facebook. Maybe read a real book. Hmm, sounds like a plan.