I tend to be a generally patient person, not getting flustered easily or angered quickly. However, for some reason, the war just puts me on edge.
It's a stage they have to go through, I know that. The testing. "Will Mom say, 'no' when I throw my grapes this time?" She has to learn how to do it herself and it's going to get messy, I'm aware.
In the meanwhile, as we pass through this lovely bit of time, I was hoping to get some suggestions from those of you who are fabulous veteran moms or dads.
What were your kids' favorite foods? I think I need to have a longer list of options to draw from. What did you find helped get them to eat what you put in front of them. Ideally, how did you get them to eat a good, balanced diet? I can't fathom feeding her mac & cheese at every meal, though I know every kid would prefer that.
Basically, what were your baby feeding successes? What other trouble spots should I be looking for coming up?
Thanks in advance for the great advice! Hopefully, you are all staying warm on this very cold day. If you live in the south, please don't rub it in.
Well, I'm not a mom...but I was a nanny so that counts for some kid knowledge right? I had twin boys I got through this stage...and there was no quick cure for them haha It was throw down a washable plastic mat and go for it. I would also just keep introducing new foods over and over. Half the time they'd ignore it and the other half love it. I got really good at "masking" foods too...like pureeing spinach and mixing it with their mac-n-cheese. But hey, what do I know...I was just a nanny :)
I don't really have a good suggestion here...having a daughter who, so far at least, will eat everything I give her. It is really quite amazing to me, since I am a picky eater.
I feel bad about putting my mom through it all these years though, it that's any consolation ;)
However, we do deal with food and cup throwing sometimes. Every time, she shakes her head afterwards, just like we are doing, and sometimes even says 'no', but that dosen't stop her. I think she is just trying to express herself...but I wish she would find a cleaner way :)
I live further south than you, BUT, our apartment is SO, SO, SO poorly insulated that it has been a balmy 48 degrees in the living room. With the heater and the space heater running constantly.
We're in the middle of a huge, huge battle ourselves and I'm not sure what's going on. He seems to have decided that he never wants to do anything but fuss or cry and I can't figure out why. He's sleeping well, eating well and play with a wide variety of toys and house stuff but it seems to not be helping. My patience has been gone for days now and I don't know what to do. Is this normal?
As for eating, I am usually feeding him whatever I eat and adding MORE veggies to every meal. Right now we are eating Mexican rice (veggies added) and enchilada filling (extra veggies added) mixed together. He thinks it's great. My idea is that if the food is flavorful and I would like it, he probably will too. And he seems to agree. Plus, I sometimes feed him with an adult fork and he thinks that pretty awesome.
whatever you don, DON'T give in to the mac and cheese craze. Continue to give her good food. and if she starts throwing take it away. She will test you but she will also learn to stop. If she's hungry enough, she will eventually eat. And don't worry, she won't starve if she misses finishing s few meals becuase of the discipline of taking her plate away. I hated this stage too. Don't give up. It'll be worth it when she is 10 and eatign everything in sight and HEALTHY :) You are a good mom :)
I 2nd Luanne. She's not going to starve if she doesn't finish a meal. This is one battle where she'll learn your the boss. As far as food goes, any bean. kidney, white, garbanzo, black, cannallini, etc., hummus on crackers or bread, p.b. on crackers, (i don't know what the age limit on having this is anymore...w/my kids it was 1 yr. old), my kids loved any kind of canned/fresh fruit. you prolly do 99% of these as i know you feed her so good as it is. :) As far as what's to come? There's the 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's and 7's and I've found that with each year there's different battles. I'll let you know about 8's when I get there. :)
Angela, that counts for tons of kid knowledge! She does like spinach...I kind of think anything pureed would be good in mac n cheese. Plus, I have really healthy noodles I want to try out and dairy is always good. I just don't want to use the boxed options! And thanks big time for the recipe link you sent. I'm going to be perusing that one this weekend for sure. I'm also thinking about picking up one of those plastic mats...
You are very lucky Kris! My kiddo used to eat whatever you put in front of her, but lately it's been picky-baby-central.
Jen, the past few days I've been staying on the second floor because it's so much warmer!! To go downstairs is torture...
It's it crazy what these kids will do to you!? I was just reading (and I think I want to check out some parenting books from the library tomorrow) that kids can't really understand that 'no' means, 'stop doing that' until they're at least 18 months to 2 years. So, that means what I am doing is only frustrating us both and not helping the problem. Fantastic. Also, I love your mexican idea. I'm thinking about making up some mild salsa and adding that. Veggies + flavor = win?
Luanne, thanks for the advice... :) I am pretty sure you know what you're talking about too since you've gone through it a couple times!!
Jean, my dr told me yesterday to wait until next year for pb, but I don't know how worried about I am. She does LOVE hummus though and eats it by the spoonful! Smacking her lips all the while...
Well, Anne...Layna right now seems to be a better eater than even Hannah is at almost 5! She really eats most anything and if she doesn't like it the first time, I keep trying. They say you really need to try new things at least 10 times. My Dr. said with both girls to wait until they're 2 before starting on PB...it just allows their system to develop a little stronger so as to avoid developing a potential allergic reaction. Layna loves to eat cut up fruit of any kind and eats most soft vegetables...loves chunks of sweet potato and beets. I usually give her whatever we're having...I just have the biggest trouble when it needs to be a fast meal or a meal on the go. Fortunately, neither of my girls like french fries and both will choose the fruit...Hannah actually orders it for herself and will also ask for broccoli as her side if we're at a nicer restaurant. I don't know if that helps much...I'll keep thinking though! :)
And for those of here in the South, I will have to say that last night and early this morning rivaled a typical winter day in NY...we were at 10 degrees overnight and 19 when I got up this morning, but it did get almost up to 40 during the day. And the sun was out...but at least I got to enjoy putting on a sweater overtop of my shirt for the first time in almost 3 years! And I put on a scarf...just to feel more winter-like! :)
Just remember...this too shall pass...I know you've heard that, but it's so hard to remember in the midst of the frustrations! I'll be back at this point in just a few months! :)
One of Olivia's favorite foods is cheese quesadillas. What I love about it is that it doesn't make a huge mess of her or the surrounding area. They are easy enough to sweep/pick up without leaving much residue. I have been using the whole wheat tortillas which taste very yummy!
I have so few food success stories to share. Just keep trying, trying, trying. Our rule is now (afer really screwing this up with kid #1) is that mom is not a short order cook and the kids have to eat what we eat. Sometimes they go to bed quite hungry. THis is my biggest battle. And it makes dinner time miserable.
1. I'm not a mom. 2. I will not come back to clean the kitchen this soon. 3. (best for last) one lunch date 2 years ago, a friend of mine proceeded to feed her 1 1/2 year old in between his activity in play. Not only was it effective, but it goes right in line with the nature of listening to our inner needs verses forcing needs based on conditions. Details: N (friend) and I sat at the kitchen table, sharing life's stories. L (son) had three lumps of food waiting for him in bowls on the kitchen table - fruit, veg, protein. L would entertain himself in play on the kitchen floor between getting up and going to his mother for another small bit/helping of food. When he quit, N accepted that he was full. Lunch was done. No mess. No angry child. We all were happy campers. Not to mention, had a great time. Each of us were interacting, while feeding our personal needs - me guest/friend, N mother/friend, L play/eat...
Thanks Becky, you are so right. It's amazing how everything changes with these kids so quickly! And I hadn't congratulated you yet on your #3 growing baby! Yay!
Jess, that is a GREAT suggestion. My kid adores cheese right now and I think she'll like this!
That's one thing I don't want to do either, DD. She has a pile of options. At this point, I'm more afraid of her going to bed hungry and waking up in the night--it's all about the sleep!
Anita, you are funny. :) Good suggestion though. This is generally how her snack time goes. She plays and snacks. For her, lunch usually goes just fine but it's dinner that is frustrating for some reason. I find that she does better if she gets a whole meal at once and can be full more quickly. It also all comes down to trial and error for us! Things she ate very well and happily last week can be spit out forcefully this week and loved again next week. Like right now--hates grapes. Last week--ate grapes greedily. Maybe she gets bored of some things, who knows.
But if I'm sweating here in Kenya and it's 9:14 at night? Do you want to hear from ME??? hehehe! I'm not a mom, so I have no advice, but you'll definitely be one the veterans I'll be going to when the time comes for me to be asking questions! In the meantime, stay warm! :)
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