We had another question this week. And it's a really tough one. N may have pushed me to the limits of my vast knowledge on this one.
"My wonderful husband bought me a beautiful orchid while I was away, but I have absolutely no idea how to care for it!
How do I keep my lovely orchid alive and strong?"
I did a bit of research on orchids. I myself have an orchid and have been wondering how I get it to flower as it is just a nice little green leafy plant at the moment. Fortunately, there is a lot of infomation available on orchids and their growth and care. Unfortunately, there are many different kinds of orchids (over 25,000 different species!) and they are each so specific and require different care accordingly.
So here is what I did for you, my dear N. I have posted some links to different discussion forums and research sites where you can ask more specific orchid questions to true orchid growers. Is this copping out? I hope not. I hope I have provided the information you require to have many years of beautiful orchid flowers.
And did you know that Vanilla is an orchid? Yes, it's true.
I think that you did a great job researching...but unfortunately, I know if it were me, the orchid would be dead within a week no matter how much I would care for it.
I'm lethal to plants of all kinds. I'll be the lady with plastic flowers in her yard...that is if I ever get a yard. :)
I'm hopeless with plants.
I kill cacti.
You know, orchids are the only thing that survive in my house. They are like cacti, the ones I got at least, very low maintenance. They sit by my kitchen window and I forget to water them all the time. I have a friend who's the president of the orchid society here and she comes by and always says what a great job I'm doing with them. he he he. Sooo funny.
I find that I have done much better with plants now that I have a ton of them. I can't forget about them because there are so many!!
Don’t tell her but I really bought the orchid as much for my own enjoyment as for hers. I just told her it was hers to be smooth…
Hee hee...silly Luke. Well, being smooth is half the battle, right?
If there's a will, there's a way. I'm sure your orchid will blossom like the rest of your garden plants :)
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