Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Quite Possibly The World's Most Cutest Shoes

For our upcoming Two-Week-February-Road-Trip-Oh-Seven I decided I would need to only bring one good pair of shoes.
(this may end up being only mostly true as I will surely need flip-flops for Florida and warm snow boots for hiking in Canada)

Ebay is the place to shop for cute shoes at the best price. They are oh-so-comfy and as you can all see, they are darn cute.

On a side note, I was shopping at the mall yesterday for clothes for the hubby (at the recommendation of some very deal-savvy friends) and found him some unbelievable deals on stuff. Really nice dress shirts for $8! Sweaters for $11! We almost picked up a great blazer for $30, but it just wasn't quite long enough in the arms. The man has monkey arms, I swear. Frankly, I may have to make him one. *light bulb over head*

Aaanyway, one of my other reasons for going to the mall was to buy some laundry soap from Victoria's Secret. It's my favorite. The smell, the's the best for your delicates. Well. It is now discontinued. I couldn't believe it.

"What am I going to wash my underwear in!?" I asked the sales girl. She didn't have an appropriate response for me at all.

Fortunately, you can buy anything on Ebay. Even laundry soap.


Anonymous said...

That is, hands down, the sexiest jug of laundry detergent I have ever seen.


Frannie Farmer said...

Those are darned cute shoes.
Hmmm. I might have to get me some of that detergent ...

Hillary said...

I agree with Nate. I was gonna say something along those lines, too. Also, ditto about the shoes.

So, Hillary's original thought?

You knw the bestest place in all of Canada to come visit???? VANCOUVER!!!!! hehe. Not that I'm biased or anything...

anne said...

Nate, you are so right. It is. And it washes Andy's undies too.

FF, you had better hurry! There weren't many out there to bid on!

Hills, you know I would love to come visit you. You're just on the wrong side of the country...someday though. I do have to do a Seattle road trip so just you wait!!

Hillary said...

waiting... ;)

'Course, I could go do the Michigan/Ohio blogger visit one day, too! :P

anne said...

Well, now there's an idea... :) I have a spare room anytime you need it.

Carbon said...

Well, if you do come up you gotta stop by the rockies before you hit the ocean with Hillary. Vancouver does rock, I admit, but good ole Alberta is a whole other thing. DOn't forget to bring Jean :)

sarah cool said...

1. Yes, Hillary, come to OH/MI, we'll show you a good time!

2. I ALSO use that detergent. They discontinued it???????

3. LUCKILY a few months ago, I bought the huge container, and I use it pretty sparingly.

4. SHEESH! Victoria Secret! What are you DOING!

Jean said...

cute shoes. :)
yes...don't forget to take me! I'll fit in a suit case. I promise..

anne said...

Don't worry Jean & Carbon, we'll be out there! But probably in the summer when we don't go from one snowy location to another... :)

Sarah, if we get Hills out here, you should come up here for a day or two! It's a one-stop-shop!
And yes, it's discontinued...a sad, sad story.

Hillary said...

Hmmm.... what's in the middle between you guys, and an easy hub for flights? I'm most likely going to Iowa in March to visit my best friend and her family, and I'm toying with a stop in Cincinnati or something, but if you guys are up for it, maybe there's somewhere in the middle and we could do a girls bloggitty weekend - you, me, Sarah, Jean... who else? In Chicago? How far is that from both of you? Hmmm... We should discuss!!!

Oh my GOODNESS, that would be the best thing ever!!!

anne said...

Don't they have a BlogHer in Chicago every year? That would be pretty fun!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously! Who knew laundry detergent could be so CUTE? And the shoes are great, too. They look mighty comfortable, which is a plus. : )

Jean said...

BlogHer would be fun. Ikea would be funner (even though that's not a word).

anne said...

Yeah. Just like gooder.

Jean said...

exactly. which by the way Sam says. :)

anne said...

YESSS!!!I have succeeded!! WOOO!!