Thank you all for your good thoughts and advice about the hives! For those of you who have had them before, I'm sorry. Ugh, that was so annoying!
My feet are still a bit itchy. It's as if all the hives just slithered down there and decided to camp out around my ankles. But they're almost gone so I'm really not complaining at all.
Oh, and who is already dreading the six-month wait for LOST!? It's cruelty! I do have to say it was definitely the best season finale of the bunch. Grey's Anatomy was horrible for one, though Desperate Housewives was rather good. The Office was also good, however not as gut-wrenching as last year. I want to be fulfilled with closed story-lines, but also motivated to watch it again next season. DH was perfect, TO was great, while GA was just dreary and depressing. Ah well. At least Hero's is online for my viewing pleasure for this summer.
Let's see...
I have gotten a couple tags for memes lately, but haven't applied myself to working them out. I can never think of any more 'things about me that you don't know'.
So, put a question about me that you don't know in the comments and I'll answer that, k? That'll be more interesting and creative anyway.
Yaaaay! Anne's back! *does happy dance* (and you know I really AM doing it!)
OK. Question. How do I get the big blob-o-dust off the sensor of my brand flippin new camera that makes it look like there's a fuzzy crow in the corner of all my pictures? Grrr!
But really, who cares about that, cause yaaaaaay! Anne's back!
maybe there really IS a fuzzy crow sitting there... :)
I'm glad you're 99.9999999999% better. :)
oh...and a question...hmmmmm.....
What is the one thing you are most excited about planting in your garden this year?
I didn't really like the Grey's anatomy ending either. Hmmm. I'm quite confused of what it will be like next year. Hopefully it turns out.
A friend sent me to this site to get some more insight on Grey's.
That show messes with me--I really appreciate the deeply thoughtful writers and passionate actors who portray a whole lot of real-life issues. Granted, they are a bit extreme, but they have to be to or else most viewers won't 'get it'.
I don't know whether I'll watch next season or not, I'm working on watching less TV and living more life.
Okay, question for you:
If you went back to school, what would you major in and why?
So you are watching Heroes this summer? Have you seen any of it yet? I don't watch any of the other shows you mentioned, but Katie and I are quite obsessed with Heroes. Great show! If you ever have any questions or insights on it feel free to let me know. It definitely can get pretty deep. Oh, and check out the comic book online also.. it fills in a lot of gaps and is pretty interesting.
Hope you had a nice memorial day!
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