Thursday, July 31, 2008

Things I Love Thursday - Better than Baby Einstein

We received a set of Baby DVDs from a friend at church recently. He works in the Christian music industry and is always passing new stuff on to us.

I'll be completely honest, Praise Baby had me super skeptical at first. I imagined that it would be the usual cheesy song production with the usual 12 year old girls singing along.

(For the record, this type of production and vocal tracking drives me insane. To the point that, when we record a kids album, we tend to specifically include a few tracks of kids who are not on pitch just so that it sounds like real children.) /end rant

The vocals were exactly what I expected them to be but the visuals were stunning. This, for me, made it all ok. If I'm going to plop my kiddo in front of the tv for 5 minutes so I can go to the bathroom, it had better be in front of something good. There is great footage of babies and toddlers and kids playing, interacting and laughing. There are stimulating images of black & white and other high-contrst colors that babies just love to look at. Intriguing, even for a grownup...

The other bonus is that in the menu you can completely turn off the vocals and have just instrumental tracks playing. Ahhh, now that's better.

Before you worry that I am allowing my tv to babysit my infant, know that she is only amused for about two songs worth anyway and then we'll play again. This was, however, very good for a distraction last week when she was sick and not feeling up to much of anything other than snuggling.


thediaperdiaries said...

I am the TV nazi and I still let me kids watch so I can pee and shower in peace. So no judgement here :)

Anonymous said...

my nephew loves - absolutely adores - praisebaby. I think it is one of the best things out there for littler kids!

Anonymous said...

I too thought Praisebaby was awesome. My little girl loved it! (And don't worry about the TV, every mom needs a few minutes to wash her hair/go to the bathroom in peace).

heather said...

Sounds great, Anne! I have no judgment for moms who let their kids watch videos like that - I know I'll be the same way (a girl has to go to the bathroom, afterall!)

Jen said...

Hey Anne- its Jen from D.V. I found your blog from facebook's Ada Group. Anyways- props on the Baby Einstein!!! This was Isabelle's favorite, and she still enjoys them now and again. We loved the soothing sounds. If you ever get sick of the same DVD let me know- I've got a couple I'd love to lend out.

anne said...

Glad to hear lots of you also love it! And also that I'm not the only one plopping my kid down for a stint of tv...

Jen! Hellooo!!! Welcome to my blog. I have four of the DVDs, but I will definitely keep you in mind when I am sick of hearing the same ones over and over! :) Thanks!

Jean said...

I still plop mine down in front a video so i can take a shower. course I don't "plop" them. they plop themselves. :)

Kris said...

Maybe I'll have to look into would be nice to go to the bathroom alone once in awhile...

Anonymous said...

I'll have to check that out on Amazon. :)