Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cleaning House

Usually I don't start the serious cleaning, organizing, dumping out of drawers until, oh I don't know, July.

Lately I have had plenty of time to sit on my little keister and read, play video games, and generally while away the hours. It has been blissful, restful and altogether healing to body and mind.

One of the best things about so much free time is that when it's over I have all this pent-up energy for working and doing. Generally, when I get into an organizational mode, it gets a lot worse before it gets remotely better.

At the moment, Cammie is guarding the mess of papers to be gone through, filed or thrown away. Closets are getting an overhaul, many loads of laundry are washing, the budget is being rewritten and rededicated, Christmas wrapping leftovers are getting put away, etc and so forth.

I hope you are having an equally productive day today! Of course, here I am blogging about my work instead of actually doing the work, but it's all the same, right?

Oh, and I just want it to be known that the fantastic speakers that my fabulous husband bought me for Christmas for my laptop are indeed Fantastic. Man, I don't think I'll be able to turn the music off now...


Talena said...

I also spent time blogging about the work I had started and not finished tonight. Ironic? You decide.

Happy New Year, Miss Anne!


Jean said...

I have several items that need sorted through. If you have any extra of that pent up energy, you know where I live..

Jen said...

I always get energized too when I start cleaning and organizing. I usually end up taking it way too far. Last year I put our DVD's in alphbetical order.

Jay said...

Are you throwing out the cat as well?

anne said...

Jen, I am honestly thinking about alphabatizing my books by author...

No, BP. They're behaving now, remember!? :)

Frannie Farmer said...

Well does it count if I am sitting here, reading you blog about cleaning? I think that's about as productive as I am gonna get today :)

Anonymous said...

We were just realizing today, on the last day of our vacation, how much cleaning and organizing needs to be done around here. We got a lot of things done over the holiday break, but there is sooooo much more to do. We need another week off!

Buffy said...

You had me at champagne.