Monday, May 11, 2009

The Essence of Random

Last week we went on the Mayor's Bike ride around the park. Randall got a brand new bike helmet and climbed immediately into her little bike trailer. She settled in comfortably, holding onto the straps and eating from her bag of snacks. After riding only two miles, she was ready for dinner and my legs were burning. It's definitely the beginning of the season. I have got to get myself in shape.

She is her mama's daughter and loves to play in the dirt. I give her a tub of dirt and a little shovel and she's happy to dig and carry rocks around the yard while I hang clothes on the line or pull weeds in attempts to get the garden ready. 

My clothes line has been wearing out and I decided to replace the braided rope with plastic for hopefully better longevity. The best part about getting new line hung is that Andy did it in such a way that I now have four rows instead of just two. I can potentially get several loads of laundry hung as opposed to a single one. Plus, I have a drying rack that I put out for small things like towels and bibs. There always seem to be a lot of those in the wash. 

I've been sick a lot lately. Nauseated so often a day that I would swear I'm pregnant, except that I'm not. There are no flu symptoms except that I've been exceedingly sick two times in as many weeks. I'm pretty sure I've lost a couple pounds in the process. Something has got to be wrong with me. If it were the flu, the rest of my family would have caught it as well. Ugh. 

This week I have plenty of work to do, gardening to get done and bike rides to go on. Hopefully I can hold onto my lunch in the meanwhile. 


Luanne said...

Awww...that's no fun. I'm sorry you havn't been feeling well. I hope you figure it out soon. Are you sure you aren't pregnant?? (cause that would be fun :) )

anne said...

A. I'm on the pill
B. I just had my period
C. Pee stick said no

But it really feels like it. So weird. Anything is possible, but it is also unlikely.

Jean said...

tums? rolaids? pepto? chocolate? i think those could all be cures. or there's vernors. :)

hope you feel better soon!

anne said...

I have been doing the tums. I'll be sure to try the chocolate though...and yeah, Vernors is my friend.

Andria said...

That happened to me and it turned out to be my gallbladder... or more the part of it that connects to my bile duct. You may wanna have them check it out.

I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Kris said...

-We used our bike trailer for Leah quite a bit last summer, but she refuses to keep the helmet on so far...
-She is still having a lot of fun shoveling in her pot of dirt :)
-Do you just hang clothes on the line to dry or do you finish them up in the dryer? How do you keep them from being...crunchy? So far all I have been brave enough to hang up are the diapers.
-I hope you are feeling better soon, even though it stinks to have to go to the dr., just knowing what is wrong may make you feel a little better...

anne said...

Andria, gallbladder? Lovely. My mom had to have hers out... Also--I haven't heard/seen you in forever! Good to see you!

Kris, I find that it depends on the soap that I've used for how my clothes hang. Also, if you flip the clothes halfway through, they dry more evenly. It also helps to have a windy day! :)

Cheeky said...

Methinks thou doth protest too much. (A--I vouch for 2 on-the-pill pregnancies, B--you can totally have a faux one of those, and C--are very prone to giving false negatives)

anne said...

Cheekster, I knew you would say that. :) I KNEW it.

Frankly, it would make more sense for all that to be true. But it also makes sense for it not to be, were there another cause. I need House to diagnose me.

Andria said...

LOL! Sorry hon!

It's the truth though. I walked around feeling sick to my stomach for a couple of weeks (maybe months... I was busy finshing my masters and starting a new job). No kidding, I walked across the stage, got my diploma, and went to a celebtratory dinner with my family. Spent the entire time in the bathroom being sick.

They said my gallbladder was in danger of rupturing and told me I had to have it out. Your insurance should cover an ultrasound to check it out. Might not hurt... if nothing else it would rule it out.

Anyway, I really hope you get to feeling better soon!

anne said...

Wow. Well I'll definitely be going in somewhere. I'll probably start at the OB and be SURE there's nothing swimming around inside. Then see where they send me from there. Yikes.

Scrapnqueen said...

My kids spent two weeks recently being sick but not. They would throw up occasionally, and had the runs, but then seem fine for a day or two. None of the other five people in the house we are living in caught it. Eventually, it just went away. There was no fever, and their energy and appetites were almost normal. Does this sound like what you have?

anne said...

That does, actually. How weird is that?!

I did schedule to go in and get blood work done this week so hopefully that can answer at least one question FOR SURE! :)

Scrapnqueen said...

Hmm... :-) Probably just a weird bug, but it would be so much more exciting if there were something else, instead!