Medium Things. Like finishing up the theatre curtains for our 2nd & 3rd Grade classroom.
Little things. Like upholstering trashcan seats for our 4th & 5th Grade classroom and sewing a few flags for our Kindergarten Castle.
Can I just say we have the coolest kids' classes ever!? I remember Sunday school growing up and even though it was in our art room (church+school) it was pretty much a cement-block room. We sat at our little tables and learned our little lesson and sang our little songs. But fun? I don't know if there was much of that other than what we made ourselves trying to stay awake!! Not to knock that type of learning...I will admit that I am sure I learned a lot, but man, to be a kid in our church here? I wish I was in Kindergarten all over again.
Now I just have to find fabric for my own!
You are a seriously talented seamstress!k
Well...I sure won't claim that. Last night I threw two projects away because they refused to go the way I wanted.
That was my first frustrated pregnancy crying stint. Crying over fabric. Ugh.
Wow!!! I LOVE the bag!!! I'm thinking about attempting this:
But I'm not sure I'm up for it - I didn't quite understand her pictures and some of her language.
I did see that project before actually! :) It's pretty cute...I have a couple other grocery bag options that look a little easier if you're interested.
The bag looks great! I'm impressed. I may have to seea bout borrowing your pattern - now that I have actually used my dsewing machine. It's my new addiction - and even better because Liam isn't woken up by the machine! Woot!
Anytime,Michelle...just let me know! :) I'd be happy to give tips too. Now that I've made two of them, there are a few bits that I do differently than the pattern..
Lots of blood sweat and tears went into those benches... they look great! As does the bag! Holy moly! Once again I'm in awe of your crafty skills. :) And yes. Your church has the coolest Sunday school rooms I have ever seen!
Thanks Hillary! :) And I can't be sure I actually shed any true tears...but there was definitely blood & sweat!!
Good job, Anniebella...
Thanks, Mrs. E!
You are amazing.
Nah...just experienced. :) And I screw an awful lot up still!
The bag looks great! Want to make one for me? Oh wait, I don't know what I'm having yet so I wouldn't know which color to choose...and I guess I ought to pull the one out from the last baby to see if it's still workable. Maybe I'll keep you in mind (or at least the pattern in mind) for later! :)
You let me know, Becky!
I got a sewing machine last Christmas. It is sadly still in the box. I am such a wannabe crafter. I love that diaper bag. Maybe someday...
Once my brother *ahem* leaves, I'll have a sewing/reading/writing/napping room!
Of all the diaper bags I've had, the OYikes! slingback diaper bag is the best by a million yards. If you wanna borrow mine to take a look at it and see if you want to try to re-create it.
I have seen that sweet bag of yours before, Jenna...I might have to take a gander at it and see if it's something I could possibly do or if it's way above me.
I wanted to give a BIG thank you for all the effort you put into the Diner this summer. It looks wonderful!!! I know it was probably that much more difficult to do this pregnant woman to another! :) Also, bravo on the diaper bag...I am still working my way through the fine art of hemming. One day I'll be as good as you! (at least in my hopeful imagination!) - Jessica M
Thanks, Jess!! It was a crazy amount of work, but so fun to see the finished project now!
Hey, if you want, I'll be having a craft/sewing instruction night coming up in a month or so if you're interested! Push your sewing to the next level!! :)
That sounds pretty cool. Let me know the details as they become available and I will try to make it! -Jessica
You should be rightfully proud of all your hard work! I would beam with pride everytime I looked at them and say to myself "I did that"!
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