Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Easiest Way to Break Up

How easy has it always been to break up with someone? You pass them a note in class saying, "It's not you, it's me." You have a friend tell a friend to tell the guy that you met someone else. Non-confrontational is always easiest.

I think I always tried to break up in person. I say I think because I honestly don't remember at all. I do remember being told not to do it in a note or through a friend or over the phone. Too impersonal and mean. But breaking up is rough regardless.

We now have a new, improved, easier, completely non-confrontational method. E-mail. Or for that matter, someone could post on their blog that they wanted to break up and hope the person read it.

A website just launched to give hints on the best way to write the break up e-mail.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. Have we commercialized breaking up now? How much further into our comfortable little individual bubbles can we get? Or is this just a new option that's no different than passing a note in class? All I know is that I'm glad I'm out of the dating scene. It was fun, but now is way better!


Jen said...

Leave a post it note saying,
I can't
I'm sorry
Don't have me.

It is the best way. j/k. do it in person. what a weird website. What is our world coming to?

anne said...

Ah yes, the "Post-It Break-Up." Classic...

Katrina said...

I have always done it in person, too.

I was just telling my sister about the time I broke up with someone on Valentine's Day. It had totally slipped my mind that it was even a holiday, so I called him up and asked to meet him, determined to tell him it was over. I realized my mistake when he showed up with a big box of candy and a some roses, the whole bit. A more sensitive person might have waited a couple of days, but I had already screwed up my courage to end it, so I just plowed right on through while he stood there holding the gifts.

I'm feeling like a horrible person all over again just typing it.

Anonymous said...

How about not breaking up with the other person at all? How about having your Dad do it for you?? Now THAT is an easy way to do it! And yes, folks... it's been done.. to me.

anne said...

Shawn have you ever heard from her since then? Any reason? That's still the craziest story ever.

Anonymous said...

The last I heard (which was over a year ago) she emailed to say that she still planned on telling me but God was not "letting" her do it yet and she was waiting on Him to tell her when and how. Yeah... So I wrote back and told her that was just stupid and that she needed to stop using God as an excuse for her to be selfish. I never got a reply. Did you know it will be 3 years in May? Crazy...

anne said...

Oooo...that's harsh.

I once got fired by a guy who used God as his excuse. Really? I'd rather have you say you just don't like me.